Exactly matching the shade and color of your tooth means no one else will ever know you had a cavity.
Virtually invisible when compared to traditional silver fillings, composite resin (tooth colored) fillings are a modern dental technology that allow a tooth to be filled with a strong, chemically bonded material that can be matched to the color of that tooth. This makes it appear to be nearly invisible.
The ability to match the filling exactly to the shade and color of your tooth means no one else will ever know you had a cavity. In addition to fillings, tooth colored inlays, onlays, crowns or caps can be placed instead of gold or silver ones.
If there is decay on a portion of any tooth, a desire to replace old-fashioned silver fillings, or a wish to maintain a white beautiful smile, the solution is a tooth colored restoration. One type of tooth colored restoration is a composite filling. A composite filling begins as a soft, tooth colored material. After tooth decay is removed, this soft, tooth colored material is layered into the tooth. Each layer is hardened or cured with highly intense light, and the final surface is shaped and polished to match the tooth. The final restoration is virtually invisible.
There are several advantages to composite fillings. They are more attractive, they use no mercury, they are stronger as they bond directly to the surface of the tooth, and they protect the tooth from breaking by holding tooth structure together rather than wedging it apart as a silver amalgam filling does.
A composite filling is initially higher in cost than a silver filling. This is due to the fact that the composite material is more expensive and the restoration is more difficult and time consuming to place. However, this initial higher investment is offset in the long run by the health benefits and reduced risk of fractured teeth and need for endodontic treatment or a crown or bridge.
In the case of extensive decay, an inlay, onlay or crown may be the only durable alternative to a composite filling.
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© 2011 PAUL D. KANTOR, D.D.S.